Environmental InitiativesDisclosure in Line with TCFD Recommendations

Support for the TCFD recommendations

We consider climate change as one of our important business issues and, in May 2023, expressed our support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

About TCFD

TCFD stands for the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures and was established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) at the request of G20 to discuss ways for disclosing climate-related information. In June 2017, the TCFD published its final report recommending that companies and other entities disclose the following items of their climate-related risks and opportunities.
- Governance: What kind of organizational structure do you use to discuss climate change? Is it reflected in your business management?
- Strategy: How does short-, mid- or long-term climate change affect your business management? How will you handle it?
- Risk management: How will you identify, assess and reduce risks of climate change?
- Metrics and targets: What indexes do you use to judge assessment of risks and opportunities and to determine the degree of progress toward the goal?


Snow Peak practices corporate activities based on its Mission Statement The Snow Peak Way, in pursuit of sustainability for the company itself and for society. To strengthen the structure for promoting this pursuit and continuously enhancing our corporate value, we have a risk management system in place by setting up the Risk and Compliance Committee under the Management Meeting. The Committee is chaired by the company's Chairman, President and Representative Director.
In the context of company-wide corporate governance and for addressing climate change and other sustainability issues and strengthening our governance, in May 2023, we shift to the structure where the Risk and Compliance Committee selects and identifies all important risks including climate change which are categorized into E (environment), S (social) and G (governance), assesses the degree of impact of the risks, formulates measures and controls their progress.
Risk and Compliance Committee identifies risks and opportunities relating to climate change, assesses their impact, formulates policies, goals and action plans relating to company-wide sustainability, and manages and assesses progress in comparison with the KPIs. At least semiannually, the Committee holds discussions or deliberations and makes decisions on issues concerning the management of the risks of climate change and action plans concerning major sustainability issues among others.
Discussions at the Risk and Compliance Committee are semiannually put to deliberation by the Management Meeting before being reported to the Board of Directors which, upon receiving a report on the Committee's activities, supervises and gives advice on the company's initiatives concerning climate change-related risks, opportunities and mid- and long-term goals. In this company, Chairman, President and Representative Director assumes responsibility for addressing climate change-related issues.

Climate change-related governance structure


To address and mitigate climate change, we identified climate change-related risks and opportunities surrounding us, and using the two 1.5-2°C and 4°C scenarios, we analyzed the policy and market trends (transition risks and opportunities) and material changes due to disasters and other physical causes (material risks and opportunities). In the impact analysis we used the climate change scenarios published by IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and IEA (International Energy Agency). Representative examples from the scenarios are shown below.
The duration of impact is classified as short-term (3 years or less), medium-term (3-10 years) or long-term (10 - 30 years) in consideration of the external impact expected in 2030 and in 2050. For each element of risk or opportunity, we quantitatively and qualitatively examined the impact of approximately 50 possible items related to climate change drivers (causes) on our business operations and classified their impact into three levels: Large, Medium and Small.

Analysis methods

The Sustainability Office lead the selection of the 1.5-2°C scenario and the 4°C scenario respectively characterized by the shift to a decarbonized society and the progression of global warming. The different risks and opportunities were analyzed and assessed.

1.Analysis process

2.Definitions of the climate change scenarios

1.5-2°C scenario
This scenario is designed to examine a rise in the global average temperature that is within the range of 1.5-2°C in comparison with the pre-industrial level, assuming that carbon neutrality efforts intensify with the goal of curbing the impact of climate change. The 1.5°C scenario (NZE) assumes that, among the transition risks, policy and legal regulation risks will have a greater impact than in the 2°C scenario (APS).
<Scenario used in analysis>
1.5°C scenario
・IEA Net Zero Emission(NZE)
・IPCC SSP1-1.9
2°C scenario
・IEA Announced Pledges Scenario(APS)
・IPCC SSP1-2.6

4°C scenario
Measures to address climate change will not go beyond the current level and the global average temperature will rise about 4°C above the pre-industrial level by around the end of this century. This scenario assumes that the material risks intensify abnormal weather and the risks due to the sea level rise will have a greater impact.
<Scenario used in analysis>
・IPCC SSP5-8.5

Impact of risks and opportunities and measures

Scope of application       Whole company, suppliers, customers and investors
Transition risks         Assumed to materialize mostly in the 1.5-2°C scenario
Material risks          Assumed to materialize mostly in the 4°C scenario
Timing of risk materialization  Short term : within 3 years, medium term : 3-10 years, long term : 10-30 years
Impact              Large : The financial impact and the scope of the impact are significant
                 Medium : The financial impact and the scope of the impact are medium
                 Small : Hardly any financial impact

Types of risks and
Factors Business impacts Time Degree of Impact Potential countermeasures
Transition risks Policies and
legal restrictions
Introduction of carbon tax and rise in carbon tax rate Increased costs of compliance with environmental regulations such as carbon pricing Long
Medium - Renewable energy
- Introduce energy-saving equipment
Difficulty procuring raw materials due to a steep rise in prices Medium
Large - Low-carbon products
- Increase engagement with suppliers
Regulations on finished goods and raw materials Decrease in sales associated with restrictions on manufacturing and sales Medium
Large - Consider changing product specifications
Technologies Facilitation of the introduction of low-carbon technologies Rise in expenditures due to the shift to low-carbon materials Medium
Medium - Diversify the materials uses
- Collaborate with materials manufacturers
Spread of renewable energy Increase in expenditures for purchasing power due to the soaring cost of power generation Short
Medium - Proactively consider securing power sources
MarketsChanging consumer preferencesLoss of sales opportunities due to a shortage of low-carbon products Medium
Large - Increase in investment/development for growth of eco-friendly business
Steep rise in oil priceIncrease in costs for the procurement of synthetic materials Medium
Medium - Depart from reliance on synthetic materials in product development
- Examine the materials that comprise finished goods
Reputation Delayed response to climate changeDecrease in demand due to the weakening of the corporate brand Medium
Large - Prioritize measures against climate change
Downgrading of external ratings due to insufficient information disclosure Short
Large - Comprehensive information disclosure and expansion of disclosed information
Physical risks Acute Increasingly severe abnormal weather events Loss of sales due to damage to stores and campgrounds and their shutdown Short
Large - Formulation of BCP countermeasures for each site
Interruption of operations due to supply chain damage Short
Large - Ask suppliers to strengthen their BCP measures
Spread of an epidemic Deterioration of store operations due to an employee contracting an infectious disease during an epidemic Medium
Large - Structurally increase preparedness for infectious diseases
Chronic Rise in average temperature and changes in rainfall patterns Decrease in demand for camping in summer due to the rise in temperature and changes in rainfall patterns Long
Medium - Take on-site mitigation measures such as the preliminary examination of water damage risks and actions to lower body temperature in response to the rise in temperature
Deterioration of productivity due to worsening labor environment Long
Medium - Take mitigation measures such as changing workers' shifts to disperse their work during outdoor operations and distributing beverages
Rising sea levels Deterioration of the operations of production sites and stores in coastal areas Long
Medium - Conduct on-site preliminary checks of water damage risks (and consider relocation if necessary)
Opportunities Resource Improved efficiency Rise in the recycling rates of self-manufactured products Rise in demand following the development of a recycling-oriented business model Medium
Medium - Develop products that use recycled materials
- Raise awareness of recycling
Energy source Spread of renewable energy Decrease in the cost of procuring electricity because of the popularization of renewable energy Long
Medium - Renewable energy transition at Snow Peak and its suppliers
Products and services Promoting sales of eco-friendly products Growing demand for eco-friendly products/services Medium
Large - Increase in investment/development for growth of eco-friendly business
Development of relationships between producers and consumers Rise in demand because of strengthened relationships between producers and consumers Medium
Large - Products: Visualize production processes and encourage the sharing of production stories and the company's determination
- Services: Provision of experiential value through direct contact with producers and production areas
Markets Changes in climate patterns Rise in demand because of the prolongation of the camping season Long
Medium - Predict climate patterns and change production plans
Extension of longevity of products Expansion of the MRO (Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul) business Medium
Large - Develop the used products business
Resilience Greater frequency of natural disasters Capturing of business opportunities through disaster prevention goods and other climate change adapted products Medium
Large - Stressing of the usefulness of outdoor products from a disaster management perspective to individuals, local governments and companies

Risk management

Process for sorting and assessing climate change-related risks

We established Risk and Compliance Regulations and the Risk and Compliance Committee to, in compliance with the COSO ERM framework, build a system for preventing, detecting, correcting and managing all risks that may arise in business operations including risks relating to climate change, and to decide how to handle the risks that do arise. The Committee is chaired by the company's Chairman who is also the President and Representative Director and its members include managers of business units, Directors and Audit and Supervisory Committee Members and others. Subordinate to the Risk and Compliance Committee, the Sustainability Secretariat Office identifies and assesses new risks accompanying climate change and specifies important risks considering their impact on the management of business, finances, operations and other matters.

Process of managing climate change-related risks

The company evaluates the importance of specified climate change-related risks in terms of the possibility of their occurrence and their impact. The Risk and Compliance Committee discusses and decides how to reduce the risks that are regarded as important. This is followed by discussion at Management Meetings before they are reported to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors discusses the reported climate change-related risks. The policies of action that are determined are communicated via the Risk and Compliance Committee to the concerned divisions and their actions are monitored.

Integration into company-wide risk management

Subordinate to the Risk and Compliance Committee, which manages global company-wide risks, the Sustainability Office leads the discussion of climate change-related risks. The Committee periodically holds discussions to seek the agreement of both parties regarding their recognition of risks. Actions are taken and monitored to address urgent risks with the goal of ensuring company-wide risk management.

Metrics and targets

We have calculated greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and 2) based on the GHG Protocol's standards for the management of climate change-related risks and opportunities. We have calculated the greenhouse gas emissions for the FY2023 (Scope 1 and Scope 2). As for Scope 3, we are currently in the process of calculating it, and we plan to disclose it as soon as it is completed.
In June 2023, we set the target of reducing Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions 50.4% by 2032. To achieve this target, we will promote measures such as the introduction of renewable energy and thorough energy saving. Going forward, we will stay committed to the reduction of GHG emissions by, for example, setting a Scope 3 emissions reduction target, recycling more of our products and strengthening engagement with major suppliers.

Metrics and targets

Indicators Targets Target year
Greenhouse gas emissions(Scope 1 and 2) 50.4% reduction compared to 2022 2032

Greenhouse gas emissions (result)

Units : t-CO2e FY2021
(Jan - Dec 2021)
(Jan - Dec 2022)
(Jan - Dec 2023)
Scope 1 333 549 543 98.9%
Scope 2 946 1,299 1,210 93.1%
Scope 1+2 1,279 1,848 1,753 94.9%
Scope 3 - 126,854 - -
Scope 1+2+3 - 128,702 - -
Amount of carbon offset 0 551 - -
Final emissions - 128,151 - -

About FY2023 results
Compared to the previous year, Scope 1 and Scope 2 Greenhouse gas emissions in FY2023 were reduced by about 7% from the previous year, mainly in Scope 2, due to the switch to renewable energy in Japan and overseas.
We will continue to consider specific reductions to become carbon neutral.