For Individual Investors
- Investor Relations
- For Individual Investors
Snow Peak's
5 Features
Below, we present five features that characterize Snow Peak, to help our individual investors gain a deeper understanding of the Company.
- 1.A life value brand based in Tsubame-Sanjo,
Niigata, centered on outdoor camping goods - 2.Product development to create a new market
- 3.Campground operation offering users a place to connect staff
and users for engagement and life value experiences - 4.Achieving high sales and profit growth
- 5.Shareholder returns through dividends and shareholder benefits
1.A life value brand based in Tsubame-Sanjo,
Niigata, centered on outdoor camping goods
The story of Snow Peak began when Yukio Yamai founded Yamai Shoten (later renamed Yamakou) in 1958. This company, located close to the jostling factories producing knives, copper pots, spoons and other implements in one of Japan's foremost metals processing towns, Tsubame-Sanjo, was later to become Snow Peak. At the time, the company was a wholesaling business dealing mainly in carpentry tools. The outdoor goods business was born from the gradual nationwide spread of easy to use, high quality mountaineering equipment personally developed by the founding President, Yukio Yamai, a natural-born mountaineer. The second President, Tohru Yamai, went on to create the culture of car camping from 1986.
Since 2014, Snow Peak has expanded into new business domains such as the apparel, food and beverage, and outdoor office businesses. Under the third President, Lisa Yamai, Snow Peak has strived to provide life values through "food, wear, life, work and camp." From September 2022, under the leadership of Tohru Yamai again, we will continue to accelerate our global life values offerings, as a life value brand.

2.Product development to create a new market
We enhance users' life values by developing and offering products entirely new to the market, from the perspectives of quality, concept, price range and experience value.
In addition to engaging in robust, high-end product development through repeated hypothesis and verification, we implement initiatives to reduce environmental burden from our manufacturing processes.
We have full confidence in the quality of what we make. All our products come with a lifetime warranty, to ensure that they are cherished for a long time.

3.Campground operation offering users a place to connect staff
and users for engagement and life value experiences
Visualization of life values and regional revitalization through campground operation
Snow Peak not only sells outdoor and apparel products, but also operates campgrounds where these products can be used.
Our campgrounds manifest the life values to which we aspire. By creating points of contact between different users, and between users and staff, our outdoor activities are designed to foster communities.

User engagement the Snow Peak Way
In 1998, we began holding events where staff and users can create connections in a natural way.
Not only storefront staff, but also staff from our administration and planning departments participate in these events, engaging with users, camper-to-camper.

4.Achieving high sales and profit growth
Continuing growth since the early 2000s
We have achieved continual growth in sales for many years since the early 2000s, against a backdrop of market expansion through Snow Peak products.

5.Shareholder returns through dividends and shareholder benefits
Stable dividends
We regard the return of profits to shareholders as a key management issue. We will endeavor to continue to pay stable dividends, while taking into account factors such as the Company's financial structure and future business development.
Shareholder benefits plan
We present shareholders who have held our shares for one year or more, as of December 31 each year, with complementary vouchers(Digital Coupon).
Shareholders can use these vouchers(Digital Coupon) to receive a 15% discount on the sales price of the Company's products, etc.